Friday, February 24, 2012

Fractures due to osteoporosis is approximately two times ...

What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis literally means porous bones. As we age, our bones naturally lose thickness and strength. Osteoporosis leads to increased risk of fractures (breaks). S. ..... In the early stages of bone loss, it is usually no pain or symptoms. But once bones have been weakened by osteoporosis, you may have signs and symptoms that include back pain Loss of height over t ...... Strength of bones depends on their mass and density. Bone density depends in part on the amount of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals bones contain. When your bones contain less mineral ...... Risk factors for osteoporosis include sex. Fractures due to osteoporosis is approximately two times more common in women as in men. '' It is that women start with lower bone mass and tend to live lon ...... Early diagnosis is important in osteoporosis. You may be able to slow disease progression, if you know what you are, or avoid, if you find that you'' re the likelihood of its development. Consider your risk factors, t ...... Doctors can detect early signs of osteoporosis using different instruments to measure bone density. The best lasix heart rate screening test for osteoporosis dvuhenerheticheskoy absorbtsiometrii X-ray (DEXA). This procedure I ... .

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